About Us

Ian James

I grew up in a small town in Iowa but left two years into my high school career to attend Bard College at Simon's Rock for two years to study Physics and Engineering.  During the summer after my freshman year, though, I decided that that just wasn't what I was made for and decided to start pursuing a Computer Science degree in the hopes of eventually being a video game programmer. 

After my time at Simon's Rock, I spent a year off and lived at home.  Boredom quickly ensued and I decided to apply to the University of Northern Iowa where I'm currently a student.  I'm currently in my first year here and am a Junior.  During my time here, I've joined the fraternity Kappa Sigma, started dating my current girlfriend, toured Phantom EFX, the makers of Darkest of Days, and talked to a couple of the employees there, and am currently working on forming a production company called Archangel428 that will work on podcast production and iPhone/iPad development.